Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life is difficult

Life is difficult. Life is full of obstacles, challenges, heart broken, disappointment and upset. Some people apply as life is like a roller coaster. Every little bit of things happen whether is great, happy, and sad or sorrow; is a priceless to go thorough. Life is just like a test and the trial for us to go through. Every little things which we taste, is just a creation of life and see how we handle it. We couldn’t stop the flow of river as well as our life. Nothing is a pause there for us to return and adjust the life to be perfect. A thing happened and is a history for us to remember and a lesson to learn. The experience we gain from the each of the tests we go through might be a way for us to have a better life or a choice for us to see and know. Dealing with those tests is like focusing the difficulties of life instead letting the difficulties overwhelm us. Everyone have their own strength and weakness inside them. It depends on the people how they use their courage and strong mind to accept, fight and knowing the difficulties of life. This is not an easy act or task than just a speech of words or advice. The action which taken might have a lot of difficulties stage to go through. The commitment and effort is easier to say than done. Life is about to change but than again this is depends individual. Some people might still want to stay in illusion and doesn’t want to accept the fact and reality. They rather torturing themselves and living in their own world. The fear, guilt, shame, embarrassment, ego or any form of negative are set on their mind and heart which makes them hard to swallow the reality of what they facing. They are willing to stand still and not going for any act. They are lost and finding excuses not to make any decision. Therefore by creating their own world, they will have an option to blame or making excuses to reshape their thinking which they think this is the way. These people have their own darkness to fight. No one can help them. They are the writer of their own life.
Yes ! Life is difficult and is an opportunity for us step into it with our own decision and stories to write it. How of this stories turn out to be it doesn’t matter at all. What is the matter is the author who creates and writes the stories needs to accept to consequences of the story line. Do not regret of what is written. Think well before it begins and there will be no eraser to remove it off once you start to write.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Little Corner

I used to have a place whereby I kept my warm heart within,
Now it no longer welcomes me within
Than I found another place to replaced and where it keep me warm within,
My little corner is the place I’m within now

Oh my little corner,
I am thankful that I found you,
You are the place where I shed my tears
The place where I hug myself within
The place where no one or any place no longer I can seek for

You are the place where there is no betrayer or any lies
And whereby I can find my comfort is

Oh my little corner holds me and hides me within your shadowy place
Whereby no one will find me within your mysterious place
Oh please my little corner,
Please protect me away from this ugliest world
The world that looks stranger to me

Oh my little corner,
Let me sleep with you and never wake up to the unwelcome world
Please let us be together and never separate away from each others.

A cry from heaven

There is a drop of tears in heaven. The crying is just beginning. It looks like a non-stop tears falling from up there. What is happening here? Why the sky look so dim and moody all the times. Everything fade away and there wasn’t a bright sun could go through the cloudy and hazy sky. This is what we call the raining deep. The drizzling and pouring from up there makes the heart aches so deep. The painted of the pale grey sky and the sound of the drizzling so cold and it was enough to tearing you apart. Eventually the thunder and lighting comes together from the sky, it almost totally hit and rip you off. Seeing the depressed water keeps on falling from the sky makes you wonder is there a battle up there. Everything looks and the feel is like ready for the funeral event. Is this a beginning to walk of the darkness hours? And yet the path of the walkway to the funeral looks more showery to walk through. The sound of the raindrop tapping into the walkway and the rolling of the water makes the road looks so slipper to go through. Yes this is the cry from heaven which makes the things indescribable and full of mixture feeling. Everything is a pause now until the rain stop. Out there the wind blow so cold until it eats up the soul and it felt like there is a big burden on your shoulder. The rains make the feeling so sorrow, sad, broken, hurt, lonely and poisoning to your mentality.
Now is afraid to open into another step as your instinct told you that no further step more. Life is just a pause until……