Thursday, April 2, 2009

Are promise meant to be broken?

Broken Promises is an entertaining word which gives people an excuse for not facing and accepting the responsibilities. By broken each single of promises, is a way for people to run away from the commitment. In any kind of relationship, people are required to commit and promise to each others. Whether the couples are truly faithful or not, a promise which is out from their heart during the romantic period is important for them to carry out and apply on their relationship. But when one of them fail to fulfill the promises and commitment; it might lead to disaster and the end of relationship. Problems, heart break, stress and sickness will occur continually and attacking the relationship until it tired out the heart. A promise is just like an umbrella to a relationship. When the umbrella is no longer there, you might get a sun burn or pouring water from it.

We often dreaming and believe the ideal lover should be the person hold the best things in our heart. He/She is our perfect person which we wanted to be with for the rest of our life. That time we were blind when romantic heart is there. The true of the ugliest person, won’t exist and we were possess by the charm of our own creation. Our naive to be with that person has made us to pretend to be in this part of the relationship. There wasn’t any perfect things happened in this world. There are no such word call by the name of Perfect. But in people perception perfect is everything and to be in that, the greediness of attitude will be appearing in their heart. Perfect or beauty is just the eyes of the beholder. But when it comes to broken promises, no matter what type of relationship whether it be romantic, beauty of it, etc… the previous strengthen of the bonds will be no more. People always take things for granted and doesn’t always cherish the promises and trust which the way that they should be. When the promises are damaged, everything will be doom for a relationship and it can never earn back what is the past and valued. Everything will be slip out from the hand itself. But will there be regret upon their heart? Some would be but some people may think this is just a way of life…..

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