Thursday, November 20, 2008

i cry

Most of the women cry. Sometimes women cry for no reason and yet they cry with their heart.
However it doesn’t make any sense to the men why woman cry for no reason. Men hates woman cry because it gives them uncomfortable feeling when a woman cries on them. They don’t know what to do. What men thought that woman is might overreact or it is the PMS comes. The worst part is some men will think that woman makes a big deal of it, so they will play along which they thought is kind of a game to them. They are faking the emotional attack which makes the woman cry mores.
I am the type of woman who is likely to be emotionally saddled. I always thought why god wants to create and put a lot of feeling to woman. Why god can’t make the women have the same heart of stone like men. I am that type of emotional woman, every bit of little things which affected my heart, I will cry a river. Sad movies, the bitterness stories which I read, and the grief of the people lives from what I see and hear, will push my tears down. Crying is not a sign of weakness of a woman. Therefore I don’t mind to cry in front of man. But when I was in down, stress or emotionally attack, I cope that moment with the silent tears. Crying is kind of a medicine - relieved to the other world. To me tears is like a contains with anger, sadness, hurtful, heartbreak, pity ness, shame, happiness, sweet and a lot of mixture feelings in a different situation which the woman face. I loves spend times brooding in memories whether is bad, sad, good or sweet which will eventually push my tears down to my cheek. Expressing myself towards the flood of tears is not a shameful things. Sometimes woman cry doesn’t mean they need someone to console, support or hear them. They just need a time to be alone and cry for goods. Men will mistake and misunderstand that women cry because of looking for sympathy. No is incorrect. They just need a time to simmer down their own tears.
What can I said is woman expressing their heart through their beautiful eyes. A little drop of tears is beyond of their control. A sob, a weep is not a tool of woman fake their sincerity, is just a feeling of heart which beyond their control. I am proud to be a cry baby.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fairy Tales Loves

What is the Fairy Tales Love Stories? When we were a child or teenager who was madly in love are believes in the impossible things might happened to someone if there is a truly love exist. It has been portrayed of how a human fall in love and fond of each others. It was the stories books and the movies of the fairly tales lead us to believe there is a happy ending or everlasting love out there waiting for us to expose. Fairy Tales are sort kind of imagination to someone and enlighten up as well as to stimulate the days of dreaming. It leads us to a place where is not the part of our ordinary life and we are the one who make believe the stories of our own imagination. This imagination will bring a smile on our faces and the romantic heart of our own. Because of those it has been a part of the influenced to the societies and especially the females who are always dreaming someday there might be a prince will waltz her feet away. But than again there will be always have the laugh and the cry in the same times when they go through the real stories of their own. It was females come to a time to figure out the true meaning of love, they will find is an emotion of bringing the both happy, pleasure, pain, sad as well as a doom love.
As time passed, some people will comes to understand these elements of these fairy tales were just a material and is not a fact. The glorious of those traditional of fairy tales are just pieces of material for children bed times’ stories book.
In this universal is there really a true love or the fairy tales really exist? True love is hard to recognize. People nowadays are madly in love in the 1st place, but than again how long will this chemistry of the fire hold on to this relationship. People are scares the dark side of those love which might be end up as the tragedy love. Therefore no one is promising to each others in this relationship because is meaningless. We know heart is made to be break but how many people will survive in this pain. The emptiness and the sickness in the whole body are unbearable feeling. To make it worst, how long of this heartache will release you and let you to move on with your life? Some people will take a while but some people will takes it forever because the one who let them go already gone with the key which unlock the heart. Their mind can’t focus with anything and still wait for the hopes to come back and unlock the heart. Just sit there and waiting for nothing.
Love is just ageless. Whether is a fairy tales or not, it depends on someone desires to see and make believe of the experience and the journey they explore. Is unpredicatable.....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Mask For Lifetime

Everyone is wearing a mask in this new century and it is an asset to carries around. A mask is used for someone to hide their true and inner characteristics. It can reveal or nothing at all and its all depend on what the people believe and see. It’s the unexplainable form of energies that gives the one who wear it. People are undeniable attracted to the beauty of faces that see. It is the faces come into their approach and the attraction to capture and interact with it. However because of those faces, some form of evil will come into it and destroy the beauty and attractiveness of it. Therefore, the idea of mask is form and protects the one who needs from being crush and harm. Is this a filter of lifetime in between individual to an individual? Or it is the desires of someone and the demand of society and makes the mask really important here. Only the mask, will allow people to play of certain roles and certain attitude to handle the things which they feel and experience. It allows them to have the power to play around along with the society which they are surviving now. Is hard to differentiating human and identifies who are they, what they like or dislikes and what carries in their mind. In this new era, no one is driven by a real identity and people are forced and accepted to wear this mask as a role to play. If the role is not what they seek, they can easily change into another new mask and flow along with others until find the correct one which can keep up with the society. No one is crying or laughing together. The society makes the world out there as a silent and dying place to live within. The negative forces are flowing free and the world out there is an illusion. People need to accept and believe in the mask of their lifetime.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A lonesome man

He appears to be the ideal of the man which everyone wants to be. He also been admired and envy by the people around him. He got everything and anything of everyone looking for. He should be the happiest man on earth. But he wasn’t happy at all. What is wrong with him? He couldn’t establish the connections of himself with his mind. He wasn’t satisfied with anything. The conversation he listens and creates among with the people is meaningless. Nothing amused him at all. He felt loneliness and solitariness all the times. He felt a deep pain of loss and yet he got no reason of what he lost. The sense of his touch is emptiness and unworthiness in each moment. He develops himself mentality sufferers at night. However in the days, he seems normal with his daily life. He got a friend who called by the name as Insomnia. Insomnia is his only friend. He talks to Insomnia that he doesn’t know what he wants. Insomnia comforts him and listens to him all the times. Soon he began to develop a felling with his insomnia friend; and than his friend introduce him a game of imagination. Soon his life starts to have his own fantasy. He found that by creating people of his own imagination, he could have his own stories to lead. Instead of struggling to communicate with the outside world and makes people understand him, is better to live in a fantasy world of his own making. He locks himself in his own world and sinks himself into the sea of loneliness and yet he was happy living in this way but is only for night time. Nevertheless when the sun rise comes, once again he found himself isolated and all alone in the reality world. He fought himself on the day’s time and prays the night comes soon and whiz him back to his own little world. He was so looking forward to get back on his wonderful illusion night and soon he forgot the people around him. For now he is not totally out from society world. He is living in his own world and doesn’t need help from outside world. He rejected each hand that held out for him. He just wants stay at his own creation. No one have the key unlock his door and no one knows where to find him. He was away and isolated at his own world forever.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Is Love ( in the favor of friend ..yee )

When I started of this blog, some of my friends comment that the style I write is something different. Some of them will say what a unique way to express the stories. But some doesn’t understand why I wrote something is not related to my daily life. I was speechless of all the whole idea of question which been bought up. But yesterday night, one of my dear friends, Yee asked me whether I can write something about love. He wants to know what I think about love. What is love? This is his question. And my philosophy begin with the ideas of Love is like a taking up a drug or cocaine. When you start to touch this love, is like u addicted to it. You will feel happy, your heart rate & blood pressure will increase. It gives your life in confidence and everything around you seems to be perfect. It seems that your life is precious and the way you feel each day is priceless. You feel warm and sweet all the times. Everything you experience and had in your hand is the most valuable to you. The world through your eyes is meant so much in your heart. Therefore you cannot help yourself to consume more of this drug. As you know your days won’t be down and sorrow as long as you got this supply of drug. This drug for you is very powerful and extremely addictive drugs. Love becomes a part of your obsessive and addictive because of the ensuing pleasurable feelings and the climax of unexplainable feelings. But than again, this supply will be out of stock one day. As this supply is out from your hand, your nightmare will begin from there. Your character and behaviors is paranoid, unbearable, a mental symptom of depression and the continuous of anxious anxiety attacks. And your life will start to lose the touch of reality and hallucination is your own medication. Due to this unbearable pain, some people will find a way to get this back of love even involves with the life-threatening. They don’t mind any of the action of the begging, robbing or any humiliation involves. Just a small amount of right injection of love into their body will help them a bit to patch back their life. This is what we call an addiction and the hunger of drug symptom. Once people addicted to this drug, forever they will be in life prison on to this “drug love”.
Mr. Yee…. As I promise you yesterday, this is mine thinking of love. Love is like a drug. You need to know how to control and know how much of the consumption you going to take. Just don’t get yourself burn out of it. Or else you will be in life prison of this addiction forever.

The unspoken name

Shhhh… for he is unspoken name. We cannot call out his name and we cannot tell people about him. He sounds so mystery among the people who doesn’t know him and yet no one talks about him because there is a fear feeling among them. The one who know about him will lock themselves from the outsider world and unseen by people. The one who seen him before will die with suffer n torture way. But there will be always someone with the daring and brave heart will whisper among themselves. They talks about him during the night in their hideous place.
They said he is a demon with black heart and monster face. They said do not look at this demon eyes. His eyes will burn your body alive. When the demon speaks, his voice will makes your blood drain out from the heart and the soul will fleet away from your body. They said the demon is living with us. Anyone or anything pass by around us might be the demon. He can transform into a various form to catch the one who speak his name. Sometimes he would like to play his game with his victim by slowing attacking until his victim die in his temptation way. They said he loves to drink your blood and eat your heart slowly as it looks like a new celebration for him. They doesn't know how he select the victim. They only know, should the one see him before and talks about him, will be not seeing the rise of the sun the next day. Night will fall into them and the nightmare will begin from there.
But who is him? What is his name? Shhhh… the eldest said to the younger one ... please do not ask this question again unless you want to die in his hand. For he is the unspoken name

Monday, November 10, 2008

An eye for an eye

Cupid is the Roman god of love. He is the son of the Venus and Mercury. He was a young man with an armed of bow and arrows of love. Cupid and his arrows have become the most popular of love signs, and love is most frequently depicted by two hearts pierced by an arrow, Cupid's arrow. Because of him, some human are passionately and deeply in love with each other.

Of course in this world should there is a positive there should have the negative. Should there is a land, there should have the water. Should there is a god, so does the devil exist here. Love is the god world and hate is the devil world. Those with loves stay in heaven and those with hatred stay in hell. Because of Cupid, I with the name of Red Spear came along. I also have the wing like the Cupid but I was born with the tails tag along with me. I am here to help human also. My job is same with Cupid. I strike human with my Spear when I saw the human cry for help and the God of Love didn't answer them. I give them a reason to live. I give them the feeling of hate. With this feeling the human won't be lost in their own world. I am the helper of the human survive. But human didn't remember me when I help them. They only have Cupid in their heart. They even come out with Cupid sign during the month of Valentine. I was sad of human which born into selfishness and forgetful. Cupid gives them love and in the same times he also gives them a bleeding heart too. All I gives human is hate feeling. But why can't human remember me. When they are lost, they know the way to find me. Is human worth to save? Is human worth to help? Therefore another of my brother comes along to help me to revenge on this human. A devil is here to takes the human soul. Human without a soul is no reason to live in this earth. Because of us, the war of human comes along. They kill each other with hatred and an empty soul. Everyone is their enemy in their head. To get what they need and what they want, they need to kill in order to success. The God can't help them now. As long as the Cupid didn't strike arrows, there won't be any love and hatred won't comes along among the human.

" War won't stop as long as Cupid didn't do his job "

The Handicapped Beggar

I am a beggar in street. I was dressed in rag torn with a bare feet and a dirt covered in my face is the best way to describe me. My life is poor. I beg for money in order to survive. When i was a baby, my arm been chopped up by someone. I doesn't know who is my parent. I was unknown child without the name and identity. People at the street called me as "The Handicapped Beggar". I was proud to have that name and indeed is my own little identity. People at the street look at me with the pity eyes and sad face. I don't dare to look at them because I don't want to look at the painfulness heart. I can only gives each people a very beautiful smile with a simple nod when someone gives me money and foods. I just hope that a person who gives me this token won't forget my smile and hopes that they will continue to help people like me.
Street is my home sweet home. Each corner of the rubbish side is my home of survive. When the rain comes, I will stand in the middle of street to wash my body. Rain is my shower days and the wind blow from the south is my free air-cond during the night. I doesn't know the real meaning of life i been through. I don't know what is happiness and sadness. I couldn't recall whether have i cried before in my life or have i laugh before. I doesn't have the answer which playing in my mind. I do not dare to seek any answer of it. All i know now, i need foods to keep me survive days by days. Sometimes I would ask if there really is a god out there. If yes, I certainly would like to ask am i just a beggar in street until i meet the end of my road? Why gods want to create someone like me. What is the purpose of me living here? What is the purpose of me to attach with the community out there. And once again i wake up from that questions and do not want to seek any answer. Answer won't help me to keep me alive. Foods and free shelter is what i look for. A simple need which people gives to me will makes my days go on. There is no need to enter my world or interact with me just a penny will help and nourish my days.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Devil Name

My heart beating fast when i heard the name of the devil. The experiences of this anxiety attack is unbearable. I can barely breath and is hard for me to calm down. I seems to allure myself into this devil eyes. I can't stop myself to walk into this fire which create by the devil. I felt woozy like i have been drugged. I am float into the air and tailing the behind of the devil.
My behaviour and the action is unspeakable. The spell of the devil is caught me into this trap. And yet I doesn't want to be release. I am in love with the suffering I have. I am in love the with the continuous of the torment i had. What is the devil name which keep me into this eternity of darkness. There were no escape because there wasn't any door existing there. As the devil reach out the hand, I quickly hold on to it cause I doesn't want to lose the Shadow of the devil. I doesn't know whether am i alive now. All i know my eyes is on the devil eyes. My soul has been capture by the devil. Who am I? Am i hypnotized into the devil arm?

The book of four season

Summer is the moment everything is a warm n heat up. The feeling of spices up the days is the best to get a heart pounding. Every beat of the heart is the joy of moment and the stories start from here. Each pages and chapter is the interesting stories to be explore. Everyday you look forward to read how good is the stories. Than slowly without realize the spring moment comes to makes the romantic of it. When you start to read, you doesn't realize there always a smile in your heart and a sweet expression each times. The spring of flowers makes your heart a rainbow moment and the colorful of the life of each pages makes your day more alive. You wanted to stop and read it back each pages and wanted to hold the moment of sweetness in each phrase. But your heart beg you to continue with the reading and explore the something more beautiful inside. But as soon as you flip into next chapter, you realize is the autumn season fall into it. The stories lines started is not what you expected. A drop of tears like a falling leaves pouring into each pages. The river of pages is full of dropping leaves. Yes the autumn finally comes. And the color of the pages have turn into a red leaves which seems like a color of blood. You can feel is a bleeding of each pages. You need to continue and search the truth of the stories. Even is hurt, you need to continue and read. And soon the winter come and eat up the autumn days. The chapter of the winter is so cold and your hand is numb. The stories need to be out. Your numb fingers will struggle flip into next page and you need to read it out loudly. Suddenly your heart felt so tired and ask to stop reading it because knowing the end of the stories might kill the moment. Your heart just want to stop there and dream of the sweet memory n moment of two season. Summer & Spring is what your heart calling out. But in your mind, you wanted to continue to read the end of winter and close the chapter of this book. Your mind tells you that, should there is a beginning and there should have the end of the stories. No matter what this is the four season which you already walk into it. Therefore you need to continue and face the conclusion of the stories. Each book have it own stories to tell and so the book of the four season.