Thursday, November 20, 2008

i cry

Most of the women cry. Sometimes women cry for no reason and yet they cry with their heart.
However it doesn’t make any sense to the men why woman cry for no reason. Men hates woman cry because it gives them uncomfortable feeling when a woman cries on them. They don’t know what to do. What men thought that woman is might overreact or it is the PMS comes. The worst part is some men will think that woman makes a big deal of it, so they will play along which they thought is kind of a game to them. They are faking the emotional attack which makes the woman cry mores.
I am the type of woman who is likely to be emotionally saddled. I always thought why god wants to create and put a lot of feeling to woman. Why god can’t make the women have the same heart of stone like men. I am that type of emotional woman, every bit of little things which affected my heart, I will cry a river. Sad movies, the bitterness stories which I read, and the grief of the people lives from what I see and hear, will push my tears down. Crying is not a sign of weakness of a woman. Therefore I don’t mind to cry in front of man. But when I was in down, stress or emotionally attack, I cope that moment with the silent tears. Crying is kind of a medicine - relieved to the other world. To me tears is like a contains with anger, sadness, hurtful, heartbreak, pity ness, shame, happiness, sweet and a lot of mixture feelings in a different situation which the woman face. I loves spend times brooding in memories whether is bad, sad, good or sweet which will eventually push my tears down to my cheek. Expressing myself towards the flood of tears is not a shameful things. Sometimes woman cry doesn’t mean they need someone to console, support or hear them. They just need a time to be alone and cry for goods. Men will mistake and misunderstand that women cry because of looking for sympathy. No is incorrect. They just need a time to simmer down their own tears.
What can I said is woman expressing their heart through their beautiful eyes. A little drop of tears is beyond of their control. A sob, a weep is not a tool of woman fake their sincerity, is just a feeling of heart which beyond their control. I am proud to be a cry baby.

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