Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Is Love ( in the favor of friend ..yee )

When I started of this blog, some of my friends comment that the style I write is something different. Some of them will say what a unique way to express the stories. But some doesn’t understand why I wrote something is not related to my daily life. I was speechless of all the whole idea of question which been bought up. But yesterday night, one of my dear friends, Yee asked me whether I can write something about love. He wants to know what I think about love. What is love? This is his question. And my philosophy begin with the ideas of Love is like a taking up a drug or cocaine. When you start to touch this love, is like u addicted to it. You will feel happy, your heart rate & blood pressure will increase. It gives your life in confidence and everything around you seems to be perfect. It seems that your life is precious and the way you feel each day is priceless. You feel warm and sweet all the times. Everything you experience and had in your hand is the most valuable to you. The world through your eyes is meant so much in your heart. Therefore you cannot help yourself to consume more of this drug. As you know your days won’t be down and sorrow as long as you got this supply of drug. This drug for you is very powerful and extremely addictive drugs. Love becomes a part of your obsessive and addictive because of the ensuing pleasurable feelings and the climax of unexplainable feelings. But than again, this supply will be out of stock one day. As this supply is out from your hand, your nightmare will begin from there. Your character and behaviors is paranoid, unbearable, a mental symptom of depression and the continuous of anxious anxiety attacks. And your life will start to lose the touch of reality and hallucination is your own medication. Due to this unbearable pain, some people will find a way to get this back of love even involves with the life-threatening. They don’t mind any of the action of the begging, robbing or any humiliation involves. Just a small amount of right injection of love into their body will help them a bit to patch back their life. This is what we call an addiction and the hunger of drug symptom. Once people addicted to this drug, forever they will be in life prison on to this “drug love”.
Mr. Yee…. As I promise you yesterday, this is mine thinking of love. Love is like a drug. You need to know how to control and know how much of the consumption you going to take. Just don’t get yourself burn out of it. Or else you will be in life prison of this addiction forever.

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