Monday, November 10, 2008

The Handicapped Beggar

I am a beggar in street. I was dressed in rag torn with a bare feet and a dirt covered in my face is the best way to describe me. My life is poor. I beg for money in order to survive. When i was a baby, my arm been chopped up by someone. I doesn't know who is my parent. I was unknown child without the name and identity. People at the street called me as "The Handicapped Beggar". I was proud to have that name and indeed is my own little identity. People at the street look at me with the pity eyes and sad face. I don't dare to look at them because I don't want to look at the painfulness heart. I can only gives each people a very beautiful smile with a simple nod when someone gives me money and foods. I just hope that a person who gives me this token won't forget my smile and hopes that they will continue to help people like me.
Street is my home sweet home. Each corner of the rubbish side is my home of survive. When the rain comes, I will stand in the middle of street to wash my body. Rain is my shower days and the wind blow from the south is my free air-cond during the night. I doesn't know the real meaning of life i been through. I don't know what is happiness and sadness. I couldn't recall whether have i cried before in my life or have i laugh before. I doesn't have the answer which playing in my mind. I do not dare to seek any answer of it. All i know now, i need foods to keep me survive days by days. Sometimes I would ask if there really is a god out there. If yes, I certainly would like to ask am i just a beggar in street until i meet the end of my road? Why gods want to create someone like me. What is the purpose of me living here? What is the purpose of me to attach with the community out there. And once again i wake up from that questions and do not want to seek any answer. Answer won't help me to keep me alive. Foods and free shelter is what i look for. A simple need which people gives to me will makes my days go on. There is no need to enter my world or interact with me just a penny will help and nourish my days.

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