Monday, November 10, 2008

An eye for an eye

Cupid is the Roman god of love. He is the son of the Venus and Mercury. He was a young man with an armed of bow and arrows of love. Cupid and his arrows have become the most popular of love signs, and love is most frequently depicted by two hearts pierced by an arrow, Cupid's arrow. Because of him, some human are passionately and deeply in love with each other.

Of course in this world should there is a positive there should have the negative. Should there is a land, there should have the water. Should there is a god, so does the devil exist here. Love is the god world and hate is the devil world. Those with loves stay in heaven and those with hatred stay in hell. Because of Cupid, I with the name of Red Spear came along. I also have the wing like the Cupid but I was born with the tails tag along with me. I am here to help human also. My job is same with Cupid. I strike human with my Spear when I saw the human cry for help and the God of Love didn't answer them. I give them a reason to live. I give them the feeling of hate. With this feeling the human won't be lost in their own world. I am the helper of the human survive. But human didn't remember me when I help them. They only have Cupid in their heart. They even come out with Cupid sign during the month of Valentine. I was sad of human which born into selfishness and forgetful. Cupid gives them love and in the same times he also gives them a bleeding heart too. All I gives human is hate feeling. But why can't human remember me. When they are lost, they know the way to find me. Is human worth to save? Is human worth to help? Therefore another of my brother comes along to help me to revenge on this human. A devil is here to takes the human soul. Human without a soul is no reason to live in this earth. Because of us, the war of human comes along. They kill each other with hatred and an empty soul. Everyone is their enemy in their head. To get what they need and what they want, they need to kill in order to success. The God can't help them now. As long as the Cupid didn't strike arrows, there won't be any love and hatred won't comes along among the human.

" War won't stop as long as Cupid didn't do his job "

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