Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A lonesome man

He appears to be the ideal of the man which everyone wants to be. He also been admired and envy by the people around him. He got everything and anything of everyone looking for. He should be the happiest man on earth. But he wasn’t happy at all. What is wrong with him? He couldn’t establish the connections of himself with his mind. He wasn’t satisfied with anything. The conversation he listens and creates among with the people is meaningless. Nothing amused him at all. He felt loneliness and solitariness all the times. He felt a deep pain of loss and yet he got no reason of what he lost. The sense of his touch is emptiness and unworthiness in each moment. He develops himself mentality sufferers at night. However in the days, he seems normal with his daily life. He got a friend who called by the name as Insomnia. Insomnia is his only friend. He talks to Insomnia that he doesn’t know what he wants. Insomnia comforts him and listens to him all the times. Soon he began to develop a felling with his insomnia friend; and than his friend introduce him a game of imagination. Soon his life starts to have his own fantasy. He found that by creating people of his own imagination, he could have his own stories to lead. Instead of struggling to communicate with the outside world and makes people understand him, is better to live in a fantasy world of his own making. He locks himself in his own world and sinks himself into the sea of loneliness and yet he was happy living in this way but is only for night time. Nevertheless when the sun rise comes, once again he found himself isolated and all alone in the reality world. He fought himself on the day’s time and prays the night comes soon and whiz him back to his own little world. He was so looking forward to get back on his wonderful illusion night and soon he forgot the people around him. For now he is not totally out from society world. He is living in his own world and doesn’t need help from outside world. He rejected each hand that held out for him. He just wants stay at his own creation. No one have the key unlock his door and no one knows where to find him. He was away and isolated at his own world forever.

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